Monday, September 17, 2012

How performance bond works in the construction business?

Performance bond is most commonly used in industries that are related to construction and service sector. In many financial markets such bond is frequently used. As a collateral deposit, traders in trading market recurrently make use of performance bond to secure the margin in a contract. A bank or insurance company issues such type of bond as an involving party in an agreement and acts as surety. Mostly, in construction companies performance bonds are enormously obtained for safeguarding the interest and financial investment of the involving parties.
For every business such bonds are beneficial for safe and secure completion of a project. As an illustration about performance bond working, following are the insights of its use in a construction business.
·         In construction business, there are many parties that have invested on a project. To shield the client’s stake or the business owner interest, performance bond governs as a legal agreement which binds a certain party to act legally. Before going into a construction contract the owner who has hired the contractor must ask him to avail performance bond for the completion of intended task otherwise in case of monetary damages the contractor will be held liable to compensate the losses. Such bonds are mostly issued under civil projects.
·         While establishing a bond contract, one factor that is considerable most is the mutual admittance of all the parties regarding clauses and conditions adjusted in an agreement. Before the issuance of bond following aspects must be act upon:
Ø  Scope of work
Ø  Estimated worth of work
Ø  Time span for job completion
Moreover, the claim in case of failure in the completion of the project also sets before the issuance of bond. It is the responsibility of the bond issuer to explain all the terms and conditions, claims, and payment mode before agreeing upon performance bond.
  • Performance bonds are imperative to purchase in projects that are established for the general public. As the construction projects are won by bids that are accepted by a company therefore, the amount of the bond is already included in the total cost of the offered cost. Type of construction and the total value of the project are determined to calculate the amount of the bond. In estimating construction cost the percentage of bond cost is estimated. It can lie between 1% and 5 %. Up front cost may increase in the performance bond if the risk factor in the investment is high.
  • The intention of the contractor for the completion of work and financial stability depends on the factor that the contractor qualifies the bonded terms. Performance bond is generally an owner’s insurance policy. In case the contractor takes more time in the project achievement or he is unable to finish the project then the contractor will compensate for the damages caused to the owner.
All the above discussed phases relate to a construction company but in other companies the functions and terms are similar to a large extent. Performance bond according to owner’s point of view is beneficial feature to pursue a contract.    

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