Sunday, June 10, 2012


If one is asked this question directly they may just out rightly say it is bad. But this cannot be the true answer as if it were all the websites offering free ads would have closed up by now. Nobody should be using it; everybody should dump them for the paid alternatives. But this is not the case. And since this is not the case a question is left begging for an answer. This question is, if this advertising for free method is truly bad how come it is still a trend? Some people will say may be it is because there are always new gullible people to scam. Or there are always stubborn people who will always want to try for themselves and not hear what people who have tried it had said. These answers look logical but they may not be all through genuine.
The truth is that advertising for free has its negative side. But what doesn’t? Even the paid ads have their own disadvantages. Think for a little bit the fact that when it comes to paid sites you have to get a site that actually works and not a site that will take your money and offer you poor advertisement that will bring back little or no leads. I mean one will say you had better used an advertising that was free.
There are some people that insist that the bad side of free ads include the fact that the statement ‘you get what you pay for’ seems to stand true. Such that if you pay much you get much, you pay little you get little and if you pay nothing you get nothing. But this again may just be overstretched because you do get something from these ads even though you pay nothing. If for anything, you will know how best to learn how the ads market operates. What it means and how to use it. One is not advised to go learning this over at a paid site as they may come back either scammed or with tears.
So the conclusion of this matter is quite simple. Advertising that is free may involve so much time, energy and produce little, if any output, lead or result. If one is however a newbie to the whole thing of online advertising and ads placing; it is safer for them to go with free ads first. As even though it may not be all that prosperous for them, they are paying nothing, and gaining experience and knowledge about online advertisement.

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